VDI 3400 Mold Texture and Drafting Angle

VDI 3400 texture for plastic injection mold

Bayer Plastics has some good Information about surfaces and injection molding available on their web- Site. According to a (German) Document the VDI 3400 texture surfaces correspond to the following Ra / Rz Values and require the following drafting angles:

VDI 3400 defines surface texture standards for mold-making. It categorizes roughness classes using Ra values. German engineers played a crucial role in developing the VDI 3400 standard, ensuring consistent texture quality and improving product performance.

VDI3400RaRzDA-PADA-PCDA-ABS120.40 1.50 0.5 1.0 0.5 150.56 2.40 0.5 1.0 0.5 180.80 3.30 0.5 1.0 0.5 211.12 4.70 0.5 1.0 0.5 241.60 6.50 0.5 1.5 1.0 272.24 10.50 1.0 2.0 1.5 303.15 12.50 1.5 2.0 2.0 334.50 17.50 2.0 3.0 2.5 366.30 24.00 2.5 4.0 3.0 399.00 34.00 3.0 5.0 4.0 4212.50 48.00 4.0 6.0 5.0 4518.00 69.00 5.0 7.0 6.0

DA-PA = Drafting Angle for Polyamide DA-PC = Drafting Angle for Polycarbonate DA-ABS = Drafting Angle for Acrilnitrile-Butadiene-Styrol glass reinforced materials require more drafting.

VDI 3400 TableIn the following, you can determine the roughness for your application according to VDI 3400 table. Surface roughness is a critical factor in the VDI 3400 standard, influencing the performance of various components.

VDI3400  0-45µm µinchN3-N10ISO1302 Rt µm00.10 4N3 10.11 4.4  20.12 4.8  30.14 5.6  40.16 6.4  50.18 7.2N4 60.20 8  70.22 8.8  80.25 10  90.28 11.2  100.32 12.8  110.35 14N5 120.40 16 1.6130.45 18  140.50 20  150.56 22.4 3.2160.63 25.2  170.70 28  180.80 32N65190.90 36  201.00 40  211.12 44.8  221.26 50.4  231.40 56  241.62 63 12251.80 72N7 262.00 80  272.20 88 16282.50 100  292.80 112  303.20 125N820313.50 140  324.00 160  334.50 180 25345.00 200  355.60 224  366.30 250N937377.00 280  388.00 320  399.00 360 464010.00 400  4111.20 448  4212.60 500N10604314.00 560  4416.00 640  4518.00 760 85